Analysis of the politics and distribution of the local resources between the ethnic communities in the Polog and Pelagonia Region

Project title: Analysis of the politics and distribution of the local resources between the ethnic communities in the Polog and Pelagonia Region


Objectives and results of the action: The project aims to strengthen the influence of local civil society organizations on local authorities to advocate the concept of equality and non-discrimination.


  • To provide comparative analysis of the situation with anti (discrimination) between the municipalities with mixed ethnic composition, but with dominant Albanian community (Tetovo and Gostivar) and municipalities with dominant Macedonian population (Bitola and Prilep);
  • To strengthen the position of civil society as an advocate of the concept of equality and non-discrimination;
  • To increase the impact and sustainability of local policies on elimination of discrimination at the local level through exchange of experiences and practices in combating discrimination between the selected municipalities;
  • To raise awareness of general public about the situation of discrimination.

The project directly targets Units of local government, local commissions and institutions (Court, Health Centre, Police, Centre for Social Work, Employment Agency) in Gostivar, Tetovo, Prilep and Bitola; Civil society organizations (CSOs) working in the field of human rights and vulnerable groups: women, children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, Roma and other related areas; Local media and citizens of the participating municipalities; Commission for Protection against Discrimination and Ombudsman Institution.

Through the project activities we will answer the need for active engagement of civil society organizations in the promotion of equality and monitoring of discrimination, and the need to significantly influence the local authorities. The comparative analysis of the situation of discrimination between municipalities with mixed ethnic composition and with predominantly mono-ethnic composition would serve local authorities in creating their future policies in the process of combating discrimination.. The project is ongoing but the current results are: Prepared methodology for comparative analysis; selected and trained 16 young researchers on the Antidiscrimination legislation and purpose of the research; Conducted field research according to the prepared methodology and components of the analysis. Now ADI is in the process of preparation of the comparative analysis that will provide findings from its three components separately for each municipality, supplemented by comparison of the two regions assessed (Poloski and Pelagonian).


Location of the action: Gostivar, Tetovo, Prilep and Bitola

Period of implementation: 21.01.2015 – 20.05.2016

 Donors to the action: Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOOM)/USAID